Yummy Treats: The Incredible World of the Fantasy Baker

This blue-roofed building named Sal's Bakery is where the fantasy baker works. It has a gray exterior with golden beams and a brown-gold door. A gray path runs from the door to the bottom. The bakery sits atop a green grassy plain with hills in the back. Above the bakery is the orange sky with white clouds.
Picture of Sunfire



The Premise

There are so many imaginary worlds filled with all kinds of occupations. All of them contribute to the world in some capacity but when it comes to making yummy pastries, they all pale in comparison to that of the fantasy baker. There’s just an indescribable quality of being a baker who makes sweets all day long and doesn’t ever get sick of them!

The fantasy baker is one of these occupations that you’re more likely to come across in cities than out in the countryside. It’s because there’s more people living in these places, which means more customers. More customers equal more money which the baker can use to buy more ingredients and to reinvest in his business.

The road to being a baker isn’t easy. It isn’t as simple as throwing a bunch of different ingredients together in a pan and cooking it. Rather, there is a precise art to it, one that all aspiring would-be bakers must learn in order to master it. The process of becoming a baker requires many hours in the kitchen and not being afraid to make mistakes in order to become better.

What kind of treats does a fantasy baker make? There’s the basics such as pies, tarts, and so on but to truly draw customers into his shop, he has to make a confection that simply can’t be replicated anywhere else. This is where he leans into everything he’s learned in all the time he’s spent in the kitchen over the years to truly make something spectacular!

How does the baker fit in the world? Sweet treats are his forte and eating them brings nothing but smiles to people’s faces. Smiley faces help make the world a more cheerful place so you could say that he brings nothing but happiness to everyone!

This is the fifth article in the series exploring the different types of fantasy occupations, if you’d like more, you can go to our blog page where there’s a treasure trove of articles waiting for you to read!

How to Become a Fantasy Baker

To become truly proficient in the baking world, there are several steps, each one important, that all aspirants must take. But before they can take the first step, they must possess the desire to create treats so sweet that they want to share them with the world. If they don’t have this passion, becoming a baker will be more difficult than usual.

So how does someone get started in this career? With many fantasy worlds set in medieval times, it isn’t like there are schools or institutions where he can learn all about baking. Instead, he learns the basics at home where he makes simple treats like cookies. This typically occurs during the childhood years but can also happen when he’s an adult.

To become truly serious about being a fantasy baker, he has no choice but to work at a bakery or apprentice under a chef who’s a master of the profession. There, he learns far more than he ever could at home. Additionally, he gets to develop his skill under the supervision of a pro.

A bunch of flying red question marks in light gray clouds with wings. The question marks are flying high up in the skies as seen with the blue sky and white clouds. They represent the various types of fantasy occupations.

As he works with the baker, the apprentice learns many things, whether they be all about the fantastic treats and the contraptions used to bake them. The master chef teaches him the fine art of putting just the right amount of ingredients and the right order in which to put them in the pan. He also shows him the difference between under-mixing and over-mixing them.

During his time under the tutelage of the master, the fantasy baker apprentice gets many opportunities to hone his craft, making treats to display what he’s learned thus far. The master scrutinizes his work, telling him where he can make improvements. He simply wants the best for his apprentice because they share the passion of baking.

Eventually the apprentice will have no more to learn and he can go into business for himself or form a partnership with someone. There he’ll use everything he learned during his apprenticeship to make pastries that other people will love. He’ll also use his knowledge to push the baking frontier forward, developing new recipes that will take the world by storm!

Pastries and Other Yummy Treats the Fantasy Baker Makes

What kind of sweet treats does the baker make? No two bakers are the same and what they make depends on which part of the world they live in. For instance, a baker who lives on a tropical island is more likely to incorporate exotic fruits in his recipes than one who resides in the plains who may use more common food like apples. Having him sell pastries that make sense for that part of the world adds a realistic flavor! 

If there’s one thing all bakers sell, regardless if they live by the ocean or in the desert, it would be cookies. These small rotund treats come in a dazzling array of flavors from chocolate chip to gingerbread. Some bakers even use fruits like bananas in their cookies! Cookies are universally loved across the world!

Another common item a fantasy baker makes is the pie. Pies come in many flavors such as blueberry or pumpkin. They fill many people’s bellies though they clamor to just have one more bite since it won’t hurt.

Bread is one of the top-selling items that the baker creates. There’s so many different kinds of bread from wheat to white and they’re used in all types of foods, from sandwiches to toast, that the baker makes far more bread than anything else. People buy the bread to take home or use in their food shops. There are some bakers that make bread and nothing else.

Out of the pastries in the repertoire of the fantasy baker, the cake is a magnet for customers. These delicious treats come in all shapes and sizes from rectangular and large to small and round. Whether they’re vanilla, chocolate, or something else, they brighten people’s day and one fun thing about making them is decorating them. Bakers spend time elegantly decorating them which reflects their expertise in the field.

The World and the Fantasy Baker

Fantasy cities are important in the genre. This image depicts a city with a castle on a hilltop above it. The city has both rectangular- and square-shaped buildings with a wavy roof on each one. The buildings come in four colors: light yellow, brown, light blue, and white. The roofs come in the following colors: dark blue, red, light black, and dark brown. Many of these buildings have windows and some have a visible door. The road itself runs down the middle of the image, swaying to the right and then the left, ending at the doorstep of the castle. The road also meets two others, one that runs to the left, and the other to the right. Behind the city is a grassy field with blades of grass scattered throughout. A river cuts through the field, meandering from the left edge to the right edge of the image. The castle itself is white with gray shadows. It has four red turrets and diamond-shaped windows. The sky above is a bright blue with two white clouds. Some birds are flying on the left side, above the castle, and the right side. It also features a fantasy marketplace.

Fantasy worlds aren’t easy to live in. You have to worry about dragons and evil wizards and magic weapons in the wrong hands while trying to live a peaceful life. To offset all that gloom and fear, the fantasy baker makes sweets that help you forget about them, at least for a little bit.

The world benefits from the baker in that he helps spread some cheerfulness through the treats he lovingly makes. The creamy confections he creates can change someone’s mood for the better, letting him be a tad more upbeat for the day. Everyone who steps foot in his store leaves with a smile on their face.

The fantasy baker helps the world using his treats to make people feel better and have a sunnier disposition than they otherwise would. They in turn treat everyone they encounter better and so on. The world is a better place for it.

A great thing about the baker is that he attracts many kinds of people, people who don’t typically cross paths with each other. Sharing a love for tasty sweets helps them forge a relationship with people they don’t commonly associate with, leading to connections that may pay off down the road. Imagine two people who meet each other at the store wind up falling in love or two entirely different people become good friends? The possibilities are endless!

Another advantage the fantasy baker brings to the world is that he is constantly experimenting with new recipes and flavors. While some won’t work out, many will and soon they’ll be popular across the world, leading to more being created down the road! He also works on developing more efficient ways to make his food in less time so that he can make more to sell to his customers, who will always be wanting more!

Tying it all Together

The fantasy baker comes with a smorgasbord of pastries so delicious it makes you drool and you can’t help but fork your money over for them! The baker stands in his shop all day, laboring to create treats for the masses and he does so out of love for these confections and he wants to share that with the world.

The road to becoming a master fantasy baker requires perseverance and a steadfast determination to excel. He’ll have plenty of ups and downs and the lessons he learns alongside the way will only make him better — and make superior-quality food! As he practices his craft, he’ll work with more and more ingredients in which he can mix different ones to make fantastic tasting pastries!

Common items a baker produces include cookies and pies. However, innovative ones turn them on their heads, using either a combination of unusual ingredients to make custom treats or use them in other types of dishes. There’s always a new pastry that can be invented and all it takes is a willingness to experiment with different ingredients.

The fantasy baker contributes to the world by creating delicious food that can turn even the sourest person into a happy, cheerful one, even if it is just for a little bit. That little change can impact how people interact with each other, leading to more optimistic outcomes. Bonus: it can also lead to people who rarely cross paths with one another to meet each other and strike up some kind of relationship.

Every world needs a fantasy baker who can make excellent pastries so the only thing stopping you from bringing this occupation in yours is you!

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