Categories: Fantasy

The Wicked Power of Dark Magic in Fantasy

The Wicked Power of Dark Magic in Fantasy




All fantasy villains share something in common besides their penchant for world domination. A power that is the exact opposite of holy magic, a twisted mockery if you will. A power that knows only destruction. That dreaded power is none other than dark magic.

Also known as black magic, dark magic is brutal and savage much like their casters. This power is capable of committing mass atrocities at a moment’s notice, as well as spread terror throughout the world. Those who use it have no remorse whatsoever for the destruction they cause or the wreckage left behind.

The servants of evil use dark magic to advance their goals for domination by using terror and force to bend their enemies to their will. But this terrible power isn’t so mighty that nothing can defeat it. It has only one true rival, a rival that is more than capable of stopping it dead in its tracks: light magic. 

Standing atop the pillars of elemental magic alongside its foe, dark magic is locked in an eternal contest for supremacy with light magic, mirroring the everlasting drama between good and evil over control of the world. Dark magic is weak against the holy power of light but it’s also great against it.

The two powers drive much of the long-running battles for victory across numerous worlds. While dark magic has only the power to destroy, its opposite has only the power to create. Dark magic hurts people, light magic heal them. They are the yin and yang of fantasy, one cannot exist without the other.

This is the ninth and final series covering elemental magic. To look at the other elements we’ve reviewed, take a look at our blog page for more info. As always, this article delves into spells used for both the offensive and defensive and we’ll examine the characteristics of someone who learns the dark arts.

Let’s discover what kind of spells the dark side uses when attacking, shall we?

Spells for the Offensive

The dark arts is a quick way to gain power. In terms of attacking, dark magic towers above all other elements with the exception of light on the battlefield. Spells are quick, painful, and usually vicious. Indeed, all dark wizards are killers and this element has a very deep bench of spells at their disposal.

One deadly spell is the black wave. An evil witch uses her wand to unleash a black wave that hurts all those in its path. She can turn the intensity up and down, depending on whether she wants to kill. If she has an appetite for bloodshed, she can fire off a wave that can instantly kill upon impact or cause massive damage.

Cruelty is a requisite to truly become a master of black magic. Dark lords and their underlings utilize spells of torture to accomplish their aims. Some focus on physically hurting them, others mentally and emotionally, and finally some psychologically. Evil warlocks use these spells to forcefully extract information from captured enemies and as a sadistic weapon on the battlefield.

Lightning represents power and the leaders of darkness learn how to create and harness them. Some use their wands whereas others use their hands instead. Much like the black wave, the intensity can be toned up and down. If not intending to kill, lightning can also be used to torture someone into submission.

Another popular spell many dark wizards employ is to call forth the creatures who serve the darkness. Pouring out of their wand, animals like bats and snakes issue forth and attack their master’s adversaries. They can cause deep bites or poison them with their fangs.

The servants of evil like to poison their opponents. With the flick of a wand, a noxious goo appears above it and flies towards its target. Should it make contact, the goo immediately burrows its way underneath the skin and begins to weaken the target from within. If he doesn’t get help in time, it’ll be too late to save him. Dark wizards take great satisfaction watching the life draining from their enemies.

Defensive Spells

While dark magic is considered an overwhelmingly offensive juggernaut, believe it or not, it has several spells that can be used to guard against attacks. Many dark wizards consider themselves invincible in battle, as they believe their mastery of witchcraft is unmatched by anyone else. Convinced that they cannot be defeated, they don’t bother to learn spells that just might save their life one day.

One such spell is a shield. The dark shield serves to protect the wizard from harm. This spell is especially useful when facing off against a formidable opponent who can take him out with relative ease.

Another spell is to turn invisible. Many dark users use this spell solely for attacking, but it offers many defensive capabilities. For one, it enables them to survive a fatal blow that they had no other way to avoid. Secondly, it lets them regroup and move onto more fertile ground where they have a chance to regain the initiative. Thirdly, their opponents never expect them to make this move, which means they can exploit it and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Some wise dark sorcerers recognize that they can die and learn how to deflect their enemies’ spell right back at them. Others relish the irony of using their foes’ power against them, demonstrating that such power is infallible. Some spells use a shield for this purpose, others channel the inner power of the caster to generate a wave that redirects the incoming spell right back to where it came from.

In the event where an evil warlock is about to lose, he could resort to an emergency spell that fills the battlefield with goo. The goo is designed to make it difficult for his enemy to go in for the kill. Some can be poisonous, others bog him down and ensnare him. 

Characteristics of a Dark Magic User

Power is highly seductive and dark magic offers a route to get it fast. It’s what drives them. All those who practice black magic crave power in some form. Dominating the world is the first and foremost goal for many, however there are some fanatics who just want to murder for the fun of it.

Many fantasy villains like Sauron are rotten to the core, that is they have no redeeming qualities. Whatever good they had vanished the deeper they descended into the depths of evil. Their only desire is to conquer the world and annihilate all opposition.

These villains have followers, all who came from different walks of life, who joined them for a variety of reasons. Some were also similarly wicked like their masters. Others joined after being promised they would get what they wanted. A faustian bargain, if you will. Many, if not all followers were broken people, who had suffered much and wanted to punish the world.

Regardless whether he was a villain or follower, the dark wizard only sought to wreak havoc. While light magic users prefer not to have to kill unless it was absolutely necessary, their polar opposite have no qualms about committing murder. They love to torture and toy with their prey before going in for the kill.

Dark wizards were expert manipulators. They used a variety of methods to get people to do what they wanted. Coercion, blackmail, and appealing to their enemy’s kind nature were among the methods used. Some master manipulators even twisted logic to suit their aims.

A common trait all dark wizards shared was how they reveled in spreading chaos everywhere. They loved pitting family against family, friend against friend, kingdom against kingdom, and so on.

Tying it all Together

Dark magic is painful and vicious and those skilled in the craft represent the worst of humanity. Yet it plays a pivotal role in the ceaseless war between good and evil. Its capacity for destruction surpasses all other forms of elemental magic. In the hands of a powerful sorcerer, it is a merciless weapon unlike any other.

The titanic clash between good and evil is the central drama of many fantasy works. Since it represents evil, dark magic is absolutely necessary in the world you’re creating. Every villain needs an assortment of spells to use against his enemies. Create your own spells, both for attacking and defending, that are unique to your world. Develop and flesh out those who would use it to obtain their heart’s desire.

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