Categories: FantasyWorldbuilding

The Interesting World of the Fantasy Tailor

The Interesting World of the Fantasy Tailor



The Premise

Clothes are essential in every fantasy world. They help protect people from the temperatures and not to mention, they can be stylish. There is a particular occupation dedicated to customizing clothes suited for different people and that would be the fantasy tailor. From the beginning of his shift all the way to the end, the tailor is constantly working on clothes, ensuring that they meet his customers’ expectations.

Clothes are his forte. He works with a variety of materials from linen to silk and the average tailor has different types of customers. Some cater solely to the wealthy and powerful whereas others focus on the larger masses such as the middle-class. The materials and clothes they use are heavily dictated by their clientele. The wealthy prefer extravagant ones as opposed to lower classes whom just like simple, basic materials.

The needle is a fantasy tailor’s best friend. This small pointy object has the power to turn fabric into clothes though it takes a long time to do so. With many fictional worlds set in medieval times, the sewing machine wasn’t invented, meaning tailors had to sew them by hand. Some did it themselves and others simply had their employees do it so they could actively focus on the customers.

A tailor has to master the art of salesmanship in order to sell the clothes he makes. He cannot simply create them and hope for the best. Instead he has to persuade the people who come in his shop in a masterful way to buy his clothes without being too pushy. 

The fantasy tailor’s role in the world is to create clothes that are stylish and reflect the taste of his customers. Different people have different styles which is precisely why the smart tailor doesn’t put all his eggs in one basket; he makes a variety of clothes using diverse materials to pull in as many customers as he possibly can.

This is the eleventh article in the series chronicling the various types of fantasy occupations. If you wind up liking this one and want to read more, you can find them on our blog page!

The fantasy Tailor and the Needle

An aspiring tailor has to learn a number of skills in order to become proficient in his future career. One he has no choice but to master is the needle. In fact, this skill is so essential that without it, he simply will not last long as a tailor.

The needle is used in many different ways, depending on what needs to be done. When he isn’t interacting with customers, the tailor is in the back of his shop, working on the clothes he’ll eventually put on display. After sketching out the design and fine-tuning it to ensure that it’s the best as can be, he gets to work on assembling the assortment of fabrics he’ll use.

The fantasy tailor uses the needle to sew the materials together, thereby keeping them secure. You don’t want to wear clothes that falls apart after wearing them for a short while, would you? With sewing machines not invented yet due to many worlds taking place in medieval times, this process is a time-consuming one. Either the tailor himself or his employees are the ones who sew them together.

Another significant purpose for a needle is to alter clothes. Sometimes the ones on display just won’t fit properly which is why the tailor measures them while the customer is wearing them. He does so to customize them to the needs of the customer and he uses the needle to make it happen.

The third purpose is to repair clothes. Eventually a hole will spawn or somehow a rip will appear and the customer will take them into the shop and ask him to fix it. The tailor will cheerfully oblige, as long as he has the right thread for it, since people don’t want to wear clothes whose threads mishmash!

The Art of Salesmanship and the Fantasy Tailor

Though the tailor may have a bunch of ready-made clothes to sell, his shop won’t last long if he doesn’t learn how to skillfully persuade a customer to buy one of them. Mastering the art of salesmanship is a crucial element to creating a business that remains open for a long time.

An expert tailor watches the people browsing in his shop and bases his strategy on their behavior. If someone is just walking around, he may inquire as to what they’re looking for. If someone is intently looking at one of his products, he may assume he’s contemplating whether to purchase it or not and he’ll try to persuade him to get it.

When a customer is debating whether to buy some clothes, the tailor will step in and try to sell him on what the clothes offers. He can boast about how they’ll make the customer feel and look great, among other things. The objective is to make the clothes feel irresistible to the point where the customer will willingly hand over his money just to own them.

When dealing with those who are a tad more reticent about buying them, the fantasy tailor will employ a gentler approach. Going with a more pushy one might lead to a lost sale which he doesn’t want to have happen. He’ll exchange some pleasantries with the customer, hoping to relax him and make him feel more comfortable before trying to sell him on the clothes.

A master salesman knows when to push and when to pull back and the tailor has to learn this relatively soon in his career. He’ll make some mistakes as he practices this invaluable skill but it’ll pay dividends before he knows it. Once he has a great grasp on it, he’ll be able to sell the products he makes in no time!

How the Fantasy Tailor Fits in the World

No two people will have the same fashion style. If everyone had the same taste for clothes and wore the same clothes, it would make for a boring world which your audience definitely wouldn’t like. There are exceptions to this though they’re rare.

The fantasy tailor comes in is to give people a chance to show their personality through the clothes they wear. Just as in the real world, the clothes people wear are largely a reflection of who they are at heart. They each have their own style and taste in clothes which helps them stand out among everyone else.

Depending on who he’s trying to target, the tailor creates an assortment of clothes with different materials. For instance, he may have sweaters and blouses, some made out of cotton or polyester, depending on what materials the clothes people in the world wear are made of. He’s trying to appeal to the broadest target market as he possibly can.

The people who come in his shop range from grandmothers looking for light, comfy jackets to children searching for some new socks to replace the ones they’ve outgrown. The products on display enable his customers to choose the ones they like which reflect who they are inside. 

Wearing what they like puts a spring in their step which makes them happier overall. Happier people help make for a better world and it’s all because of the enterprising tailor who dared to craft clothes that puts a smile on the people wearing them every time they have them on.

Tying it all Together

The fantasy tailor is an interesting occupation. On one hand, he alone is responsible for creating clothes that his customers wear and he does so in the back of his shop, either by himself or those in his employ. On the other hand, he can’t just expect his products to sell like hot cakes. He has to put some work in, trying to persuade the people in his shop why they ought to buy them without alienating them.

A tailor cannot succeed without mastering the art of the needle. This small object is so indispensable to the tailor in that without it, he couldn’t be in business. It lets him do a lot of things, from making jaw-dropping clothes from materials to breathing new life into ones that have a hole or two in them.

Sometimes there will be a customer who is unsure whether to buy a particular article of clothing or not. A smart fantasy tailor helps him without being too pushy. He tries to say how good it’ll look on him and he won’t ever be disappointed and so on. Most of the time, it works and the customer gladly hands over money and there’s a good chance he will come back another day to make another purchase.

The tailor contributes to the world by creating clothes that accentuate who people are within their heart. No two people will ever have the exact taste in clothes which is why the tailor makes many various types of clothes, each with different materials and sizes. He wants his patrons to love the clothes they have on!

Though the fantasy tailor may not necessarily be vital when it comes to the plot, he is nevertheless essential in regard to the world. Why, he just might be the one responsible for the clothes your characters are wearing which is why you ought to bring this occupation into the one you’re building from the ground up!

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