Categories: FantasyWorldbuilding

The Importance of the Fantasy Millworker to the World

The Importance of the Fantasy Millworker to the World




In the real world, companies purchase raw materials and use them to produce products such as tables and lamps. The same applies to fantasy worlds, no matter where they’re at technologically. However, these businesses require people who can work in these places. This type of occupation is simply known as the fantasy millworker.

One interesting aspect of the millworker is that unlike many other jobs, this one is essential in that he is helping take raw materials like wood and refining them into products that will be delivered to other places. And he does so by working a set hours each week at the local mill.

The fantasy millworker isn’t confined to one specific job. Rather, he has a decent choice of places to work in, from the sawmill to the water mill. Each one plays a role in building and maintaining the civilization they live in. With so many imaginary worlds set in medieval times, these places are in operation for part of the year since air conditioning and electricity hasn’t been invented yet.

Standardization is a heavy focus, regardless of which mill he works in. That means the millworker has to do the same activities, over and over again, making sure that what he’s working on comes out exactly the same as the one that he finished before. And he has to do it all over again for the next one!

For a civilization to thrive and flourish, it needs millworkers who are capable of making products that will be used in a wide variety of things such as construction. But they don’t do so for free, they do it for money which they use to feed their families and pay their bills. Many mills are located not too far from cities, making it easy for their workers to commute.

This is article number six in the fantasy occupations series. Interested in seeing what else we have to offer? You can find a ton more on our blog page!

Where the Fantasy Millworker Works

Before diving into the various types of places that the millworker works in, it is important to take into account that the mill is simply the medieval version of the factory, which is generally considered part of the industrial age. As such, the mill is central to the development of both the nearby community and the kingdom at large, usually being among the top employers of the city/town.

There are several places where you’ll find a fantasy millworker. One such is that of the sawmill. There, he is one of a crew that takes wood that was cut down and turns it into different sizes of boards, depending on what the work order calls for. Since machines weren’t either invented or in widespread use yet, the millworker has to do everything manually, which is time-consuming and physically taxing.

The windmill is the second place that a millworker works in. He uses the power generated by the wind to turn flour into grains that are used in the production of food. This helps food companies make foods like cereal and oats that feed people and animals. Without them, people wouldn’t have many kinds of food to choose from.

Another place that features a millworker is the water mill. This building harnesses the power of water to generate energy for a city or business. You could even call it the medieval counterpart of a power plant. The millworker’s primary focus is to ensure that there is a steady stream of power being generated through the wheel.

Since the mill is the medieval equivalent of the factory, there is a type of building that while not called a mill out right, it serves the same function as the others. That building would be the textile factory. That is where materials such as cotton and wool are consumed to make the fabric for a wide assortment of products such as clothes and furniture. Having more diversity in these products enable people to accessorize and develop their own style and taste.

The Repetitive Activities of the Fantasy Millworker

The life of the millworker is one of repetitive activity. The unfortunate aspect of this occupation is that standardization isn’t just encouraged, it’s required. Since so many of the things he makes will be used for other things, it is imperative that they strongly resemble each other in size and appearance.

In the sawmill, the worker must painstakingly ensure that the wood he’s cutting be split into boards that are the same size as specified on the work order. He has no choice but to measure twice and cut once and he can only cut by hand. But before he can do so, he has to prep the area by moving the right type of wood into the right place. After he’s done cutting the boards, he readies it to be delivered. He doesn’t do all this by himself, he works with a crew and they do the same thing day-in and day-out.

As for the windmill, the millworker has to put the flour in a large vat. However, he can’t just put it in when he wants, he has to wait until the time is right and that’s when the wind starts to pick up. When it’s churning, he has to keep an eye on it, making sure it doesn’t get overmixed and he also has to put in the right amount of chemicals and preservatives at the right time. Too soon or too late will make it not come out right. When it’s done, he takes it out and gets it ready to be transported to its next destination. And he does this again and again.

The water mill is the type of place that requires the most focus. The fantasy millworker needs to make sure that the water level doesn’t fall below the accepted threshold since it’s using water to generate power for other buildings. The flow of water changes throughout the day, getting stronger at certain times and weaker at other times and he uses a lever to help control the water flowing into the wheel. He does this throughout his shift.

In other types of mills or factories like textiles, he works with what he has at hand. In textile factories, he and his coworkers sow together materials to produce fabric and also color dye them as per the work order. They have a set quota they must meet every week and they repeat it over and over.

How the Fantasy Millworker Helps the World

In order for a civilization to not only exist but to flourish, it needs raw materials that can be converted into things that can be used to make other things. That’s where the millworker comes in. He is but one of many people who work in the mills, helping take materials found in the world and turning them into things people can use.

The fantasy millworker is an integral part in building a civilization that lasts for a long time and provides many services for its people. He works hard all day long, creating things that make the world that everyone lives in possible.

The best example of the millworker’s important role is when he works in the sawmill, taking the wood the mill brings in and cutting it into boards. These boards are used in a wide array of ways such as construction or furniture like tables. The latter consumes a hefty amount of wood throughout the building process as a structure that will house either people or a business is formed.

The millworker doesn’t do all this work for free. Just like everyone else, he has bills to pay and a family to take care of. He gets paid for his hard work and the money he receives is used to buy the things he and his family and some of that money could very well be spent in places that wouldn’t exist without using the objects he made at work.

Though the world will never know how much he sacrificed in terms of sweat equity, the fantasy millworker can take comfort, knowing that what he helped make will endure, long after he’s gone. That he helped make the world they all live in is his legacy and only his family and closest friends will be aware of it.

Tying it all Together

The fantasy millworker works in a place that provides an essential service to the civilized world. Whether it be a sawmill or water mill, where he works helps make the world they all dwell in. He does so by working long hours and having to do the same thing over and over again.

Places such as the windmill or factory are where you’re likely to find the millworker. They’re located not too far away from town, making commuting there a relative breeze though of course it depends on the time of year or the weather that day. These mills are among the major employers of the town or city, providing income and jobs to its residents.

Day in, day out the fantasy millworker does what he did yesterday and what he’ll do tomorrow. Even though repeating the same activities can be mundane, it is nevertheless imperative because standardization is required. As per the work order, all boards need to be at the same size, tables and chairs the same dimension, and so on. This is largely because these products will be delivered to other places where they’ll be used to make other things.

The millworker’s role in the world is to make the things that civilization runs on. That includes energy and materials that are consumed to create finished products that will be sold. Without him, the world as they know it simply wouldn’t exist.

Though the fantasy millworker may not necessarily be key in the story, he is instrumental in shaping the world that it takes place in. It is for this reason that you ought to consider bringing this occupation into yours, so you can show your audience how it was built in the first place!

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