The Fiery Power of Fire Magic

An extremely advanced form of fire magic, this flame monster takes the appearance of a serpent with a demonic face. The monster is designed to attack the creator's enemies. The monster has two parts, the head and the tail. The head resembles a flame with dark red, red, orange and yellow going from the top and sides to the center, respectively. Its eyes are sinister with a glowing red iris. The mouth has a dark smile. The tail is the same as the head color-wise. Behind the monster is a pink-white background with the white resembling a four-pointed glimmering star. The pink takes up the rest of the image.
Picture of Sunfire




When it comes to magic, fire is usually the first that comes to mind. Who doesn’t love being able to light a torch with just a spell? Heck, you wouldn’t ever worry about being cold at night if you knew fire magic?

Fire is one of the basic branches of elemental magic. Stylized mainly for the offense, fire is among the most powerful of the branches due to how easy it is to cause destruction and mayhem on the battleground for both ally and foe alike.

Just because fire magic wields a lot of power doesn’t mean such power can’t be reduced to smoldering char. Like the other branches, fire is weak and superior against certain others. It’s vulnerable to both water and earth. However, it’s great against forest and ice. 

This is the second in a series focusing on elemental magic. The first featured forest and if you’re interested in reading it, here it is (Learning About The Leafy Powers of Forest Magic). This post examines the three things to keep in mind regarding fire magic: attacking and defending spells, and the character of a fire user.

So grab something that’ll keep you warm and comfortable as we delve into the world of fire magic, beginning with its fantastic attacking prowess!

Attacking Spells

Fire is destructive and that’s a fact. Add that to how fast it can become uncontrollable if not managed properly. The same applies to fire magic. A small ember lit on a grassy knoll can quickly spiral out of control within a number of seconds.

Imagine battling with a fire wizard. He can summon a serpent capable of breathing fire on you or he can make it rain fireballs. Perhaps he could just use a simple spell that just sends a large flame towards you, meaning you only have seconds to come up with a counterattack or duck out of the way.

The most basic form of fire magic, the fireball packs a lot of punch for such a small object. Here, there's 16 fireballs, each with a dark red sphere in the center, hurling right. Each sphere is leading the light red tail.

Besides its raw power, fire magic has a devastating secondary effect: burns. Many attacking spells within the fire element carry the ability to burn. Fire wizards focus on getting their spells to reach their target. All he has to do is land one hit on you and presto! you have a vicious burn. He doesn’t have to do anything else but let the burn eat and spread through your flesh.

Chaos on the battlefield is where fire magic truly shines. Since everyone’s trying to stay alive and defeat the enemy at the same time, not many people notice a wizard that specializes in fire unleash a great, mighty spell upon the battlefield. It’s only a second or two until they see a great wall of flames eating its way through, cutting through both foe and friend.

If you choose to fight with a fire sorcerer while wearing metal armor, you’ll need plenty of luck to make it through unscathed. Fire eats through metal much like termites with wood. Instead of wearing metal armor, choose something that’s fire-resistant. Not only will it help you, it’ll make it harder for the sorcerer to inflict a burn.

Defending Spells

While used primarily on the offense, fire magic boasts some formidable defensive spells. These spells, if timed correctly, can make the difference between life and death. They’re not as powerful as their attacking brethren, but they’re nothing to sneer at.

For instance, a fire witch could make a large, towering wall of flame and put it between her and her foe. If she feels that victory isn’t in the cards, she can use the flame tower to help her escape. Choosing to stay means she still has a chance to prevail, which means she can use the flame tower to buy her some time as she moves into position to unleash her next attack. Her foe will have a hard time getting to her if the flame tower keeps obstructing his vision.

An advanced form of fire magic, flame shields protect the magic user from taking damage. Here, one is being created by a wave of magic to its left. The shield is red, orange, and yellow from top to bottom with the amount each color takes up getting smaller as it gets closer to the center. Above the shield are small flame offshoots, each a different shape, that flew off the shield.

The witch could make a flame shield and have it absorb her enemy’s attacks. For extra effort, she could make it that the shield regurgitate the attacks it absorbed and hurl them right back where they came from.

Since they have the power to burn, there’s not many, if any, spells that utilize the power of fire to heal. Those that do use a flame cool to the touch and it wraps the user in a protective shield, allowing him to quickly regain health.

The Character of a Fire Practitioner

To be able to wield such a powerful element, a wizard must be willing to take risks. He has to recognize the dangerous nature of fire and how easy it is for it to wreak havoc upon nature. Fire management is key to becoming skilled with this element. Fire is not for the faint-of-heart.

Fire is associated with passion and it draws like-minded people. Magic practitioners go all out, not holding anything back, wanting to display their mastery in this field. 

While fire tends to be linked with the dark side, considering many dark wizards know powerful spells, a great number of good wizards are equally proficient in fire magic. Indeed, dark lords are steeped deeply in fire magic and use them in nearly every battle to bring it to a decisive end. In battle, it’s not unheard of for a great, wise good wizard to use a fire spell against the servants of darkness to either force them to flee or to make them realize they stand no chance of winning.

It takes an exceptionally long time to truly master fire magic due to how volatile it is. Patience is needed to become an expert since becoming proficient requires a great deal more training. You can tell how someone’s mastered fire magic by seeing how he can easily create fire and how fast he can make it vanish.

Tying it all Together

Fire magic is a spectacle to witness. Seeing waves of flames dance around is an impressive sight, one not easily forgotten. Fire is primarily used on the offense, adding more unpredictability to an already chaotic battlefield. Nevertheless, using it for defense can leave an opponent flabbergasted, uncertain how to respond to the unexpected move.

If you’ve been wondering whether to bring fire magic to your world, wonder no more! It’ll bring a degree of excitement and vibrancy to your world and you just need to think about what spells to have there. The more original, the better!

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