Categories: FantasyWorldbuilding

The Fantasy Sailor and the World of the Sea

The Fantasy Sailor and the World of the Sea



The Premise

An exciting part of fantasy is exploring the unknown. There’s nothing that captivates the imagination than delving into the unknown, having no idea what you’ll come across. That explorative spirit is a powerful draw for those who yearn to become a fantasy sailor since sailing the sea is how people step foot into a wholly new world.

People love reading stories that feature ships traveling on a vast body of water. They especially enjoy seeing how sailors interact with each other and the ships’ passengers using salty language. Traveling on water fosters a sense of camaraderie among the sailors since they get to see things that most people don’t.

There are reasons why you see many stories where some characters are on a boat, going to another continent. Excitement and adventure are two such reasons. It is these reasons why a lot of people desire to be a fantasy sailor since they offer something so different than what they’re accustomed to.

Sailing the high seas isn’t all fun and glamorous. Being a sailor means you have plenty of work to do. When not battling pirates or vicious sea monsters, sailors work constantly to keep their ship in tiptop shape and to deal with any problems that might arise down the road. They don’t want the ship to break down when they’re being chased by a kraken!

The fantasy sailor is an invaluable part of worldbuilding in that it enables people to see more of the world. They get to interact with wholly different people, explore distant lands, and so on. You could even say that the sailor helps bring different parts of the world together!

This is article number eight in the fantasy occupations series. For more, take a gander at our blog page where you’ll find something that will surely catch your eye!

The Allure of the Sea for the Fantasy Sailor

Many young children dream about being on the boat and fighting pirates whereas others fantasize about finding treasure full of riches on an island somewhere in the world. In some of these children, these dreams are so strong that they compel them to become sailors. They’re happy being at sea since they’re pursuing their long-cherished dreams.

The sea is a gateway to another world, one far from the one people know. As such it offers adventure and excitement, both in spades. Being a sailor fulfills both since you get to see more of the world and confront dangers most people could ever dream of facing themselves. There is nothing more that gets your adrenaline pumping when clashing with a powerful sea monster who would love nothing more than to pulverize the ship you’re on.

Seeing what the world has to offer is a major reason why people endeavor to be sailors. They get to meet people, experience different cultures and ways of life, sample local cuisine, and so on. Though not everyone speaks the same language, learning how to communicate with them is an adventure unto itself and can lead to fruitful results when that barrier is finally overcome.

The life of a fantasy sailor comes with its own disadvantages and they don’t faze people who are determined to spend their lives on the seas. The prospect of a violent storm or hurricane occurring while being on the seas is never far from the back of his mind. These storms can capsize even the mightiest sea vessel to nothing in a matter of seconds like it was nothing.

Dealing with a murderous band of pirates is no walk in the picnic either. These fiends carry razor-sharp swords and target ships rich in cargo and treasure and the possibility of facing them may make some people who want to be sailors think twice but not others. The latter will only see it as an exciting part of being a fantasy sailor.

Tasks the Fantasy Sailor Must Do

In-between tense moments on the seas, the crew of a ship doesn’t simply stand around all day and watch the clouds passing by overhead. Instead, they have chores they all must do. These tasks are part and parcel of living on the sea. Failing or refusing to do them will result in them walking the plank or other reprisals.

As the captain steers the mighty vessel with his first mate overseeing the day-to-day operations of the ship, the crew does what needs to be done. A common task that the typical fantasy sailor does is keeping the deck clean. He scrubs it with rags or mops. Keeping the deck clean keeps everyone happy since not everyone wants to travel on ship teeming with dirt.

Acting as a sentry is another task a sailor must do. Whether he’s standing by the bow, the side, the crow’s nest, or the stern, he continually scan the vicinity using an extended telescope to watch out for potential threats. They could be hostile ships, a storm brewing on the horizon, or a gigantic sea monster lying in wait to attack the ship.

With a bunch of people living on a boat, they gotta eat sometime! That’s where the chef comes in. His sole purpose is to prepare all the food everyone will eat while they’re out at sea until the next time they reach a port. Sometimes the chef will have several subordinates working under him or he’ll do all the work himself, depending on how many people are onboard. He has a medley of things to do from prepping the ingredients to combining them all into a tasty dish!

Every now and then, something on the boat will need to be fixed. If the interior of the cannon is messed up or there’s a leak somewhere in the hull, the fantasy sailor tasked with maintaining the ship needs to fix it pronto! If these things are left in disrepair, it could mean the difference between surviving on the sea or going underwater with no means of making it.

How the Fantasy Sailor Contributes to the World

A sailor’s life is one full of traveling. He and his fellow members of the crew sail the mighty seas from port to port, trusting in their captain to not lead them astray, as they search for adventure and riches. During their travels, they get to see everything the world has to offer, both good and bad.

Regardless if the ship is carrying cargo or passengers, the sailor has to do his best to ensure that it reaches its destination safely and in a timely manner. Many ships are in the business of transporting goods and people both officially and unofficially and their livelihood depends on them fulfilling their jobs no matter what. The sailor has to fend off trouble, especially if a group of pirates are attempting to hijack their cargo, so that he and the others can get a nice payday.

The prospect of seeing the world is tantalizing to some people who yearn to learn as much about it as they can. They wish to see how people in other lands live, what they eat and wear, and so on. Not everyone can afford to travel across the ocean, leading some to choose the sailor life since it’s the only way they can see the world.

The world is full of treasures waiting to be discovered, leading to some people seeking to find them themselves. Courage and a steadfast determination to strike it rich fuels their desire, leading them to fully commit to being a fantasy sailor. The treasure they find will change their lives in ways they did not see coming.

Some people become sailors, hoping that they’ll discover something new that will change the world and they’ll go down in history as being part of the crew that found it. It could be a previously undiscovered fruit that takes the world by storm or a priceless artifact that imbues great power to those who touch it. Sometimes they take enormous risk when they find it since they may have to confront demons or territorial natives who will go to great lengths to protect it.

Tying it all Together

The occupation of the fantasy sailor is one who lives wholly on the sea, only going onshore for short periods at a time. Yet it is also one full of adventure, for there’s no way of knowing what obstacles he will confront during his travels. Despite that, he must nevertheless be prepared for anything, whether it be a whirlpool that suddenly materializes out of nowhere or poisonous sea monsters.

When people think of a sailor, they imagine him bravely fighting pirates and finding long-lost treasure, two elements of sailing the mighty oceans. The prospect of adventure on the water is a powerful draw to those who desire it. Another reason is that this occupation gives people the chance to travel the world and see all of its sights.

The price of being a fantasy sailor is the workload he must do as the ship moves from one place to another. There is a number of tasks he must do, each one allocated to each member of the crew, to keep the ship in top form so that it can weather whatever’s coming its way. The list of things range from deck maintenance to repairing cracked parts or cooking for everyone on board.

The world benefits from the sailor in that he helps bring different groups of people together. On his journey, he’ll explore the world in all of its glory and meet all kinds of people and exchange tales and knowledge with them. Forging these connections brings the world closer.

Many worlds have landmasses separated by water, meaning that there’ll need to be people and ships that can transport goods and people over water. That’s where the sailor comes in. He is part of the crew that makes it all happen which is why if you haven’t brought this career into your world, it’s time to start bringing it into yours!

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