The Fantasy Homemaker: Powerful Love and Caring

A fantasy homemaker lives in this dark gray house with a golden trim and door and blue roof. A dirt path runs from the door through the summery yellow grassy plain. A river runs through the plain. A mountain range looms in the background with a purple sky above them. White clouds float by up in the sky.
Picture of Sunfire




Just as in the real world, nearly all occupations pay money so that people can afford to live in their homes and buy things they need. Not so with the fantasy homemaker. This particular one pays not in money but love and caring for the homemaker’s sole job is to manage the household and spend time with her children.

Many fantasy worlds feature women as homemakers, reflecting that of the real world where during the medieval age, they were among only a very few occupations they could do. Being a homemaker is one of the toughest jobs in the world, for there’s a ton of responsibilities that fall upon her. She has to feed the children and keep the house clean and many other activities!

Being a fantasy homemaker isn’t easy but there are certain qualities she must have that makes it easier. For instance, she has to have the patience of a saint since she’ll be dealing with crying infants or children who refuse to eat the meal she prepared for them. Since she’ll have kids, she also needs to have plenty of love in heart so she can show them how much she loves them.

A homemaker doesn’t get much downtime. From dawn to dusk, she is on her feet practically all day, doing various activities as the day marches on. She does things like go to the store to buy food and clothes or teach the children life skills while her husband is at work. Only at the end of the day when she goes to bed is when she get some well deserved rest and relaxation.

The fantasy homemaker’s role in the world is to teach her kids everything they need to know in order to be active members of the community. This includes emotional and social development. Her children will carry on the thing she taught them, teaching them to their own down the road.

This is article number four in the fantasy occupations series. For more, take a gander at our blog page!

Qualities of the Typical Fantasy Homemaker

With many fantasy worlds set in medieval times, women, not men, were primarily homemakers. This is because they possessed qualities that were more beneficial to their children’s development than their husbands, notwithstanding the fact that being homemakers were only one of a few jobs they could do. Nevertheless, many women found contentment here, for they spent quality time with their brood.

The most important quality a homemaker needs is that of love. Through signs of affection such as a kiss and physical touch like a hug, she shows her husband and children how much they mean to her. Their mother’s love puts them on the path to being well-rounded adults since they know that no matter what they do, she will always love them, even if they’re being bad.

Patience is another vital quality for the homemaker. There will be times where the children will be stubborn or have difficulties learning something which means she has no choice but to be patient as she works with them. It pays off when the stubborn child relents or he finally comprehends what he’s been struggling to learn.

Thinking of things is part of how to brainstorm a novel. There's 7 question marks, each in a bubble, in red, blue, green, and yellow colors. The background is a purple gradient with the darker on the bottom, lightening as you move up. Take time and have some fun when it comes to brainstorming a novel.

Creativity is the third quality a fantasy homemaker needs to have. She has to be able to whip a good meal with what she has or come up with an interesting approach to solve a problem.  She uses her creativity everyday which helps keep her mind sharp and the more she uses it, the better her ideas will be.

A homemaker is constantly juggling many things hence she has to be able to multitask effectively. She’ll be cooking dinner while socializing with her children or visiting relatives or tending to more than one sick child at the same time. With all of the things she has to do, she has no choice but to learn how to become a pro at multitasking which she will eventually be at some point!

The final quality a fantasy homemaker needs is none other than frugalness. Most households live on a budget and she alone is responsible for managing said budget. When she goes to the store, she buys what they need at the price they can afford it. The smart homemaker takes advantage of sales promotions and store discounts when they become available to buy a lot more than she normally does while spending the same amount of money she does.

Everyday Activities of the Fantasy Homemaker

From the moment she wakes up to when she finally goes to bed for the day, the homemaker is on the go all day long. There’s a whole bevy of activities she does as the day progresses, all of which keep her on her feet with the occasional period of downtime here and there.

The first thing she does after waking up is fix breakfast for her family. Her husband is about to go to work to provide for the family and her children will soon be off to school or whatever they have planned for the day. She has to prepare a meal that will fill their bellies before they all set off.

For the children and babies at home, the fantasy homemaker works with them on something whether it be reading or teaching them a new skill. She has to keep checking on the infants, making sure they’re fed and change their diapers when needed. She also has to put them to bed when they become cranky.

On days when she has to leave the house, to go to the marketplace, for example, the homemaker tries to go in the morning after everything in the house has been taken care of. At the store, she spends money buying food and other necessities, all the while saving as much money as she can. Other places she goes to would be the tailor shop for new clothes or over to her relatives’ homes for a visit.

After lunchtime, the fantasy homemaker gets to clean the house while also tending to her children’s needs. She diligently works to keep the household neat and is in a constant state of war with dust. Alternatively, she can move her cleaning schedule to the morning so she can go out in the afternoon.

Before dinnertime, she prepares the meal as everyone comes home and she sits down to spend time with them, asking them about their day. Afterwards, she spends the evening with her family before everyone goes to bed for the day, herself included.

The Important Role of the Fantasy Homemaker in the World

The homemaker is one of the most important occupations in the world and for good reason. While her job is to keep the household running smoothly and creating a happy and healthy environment for everyone living there, the homemaker also focuses on raising children who will be productive adults down the road.

The children she raises and how she raises them will impact the world in both positive and negative ways. Those who had a happy childhood are more likely to be well-adjusted adults who work to make the world a better place as opposed to those who grew up unhappy or had a bad relationship with their parents growing up, raising the odds that they’ll turn to crime or some other nefarious activity.

This fantasy harbor has brown buildings with red roofs on each side of a body of water that goes out to the ocean. In the distance is a tall, light blue tower-like object. Above it is the orange sky with white clouds.

The fantasy homemaker doesn’t just work on feeding her children the food they need to eat; she helps them in other ways. She works with them on their emotional development so that they learn how to manage their emotions and express them in a healthy way, no matter the situation. This pays off down the road, especially since the world will throw them many obstacles and how they cope with them will determine how they deal with them.

Socialization is another important thing the homemaker does with her kids. She encourages them to express theirselves verbally and shows them how to act in social situations like when attending parties or other functions. Additionally, her children learn how to communicate socially, whether that be with friends or other adults which they’ll use later on in a wide variety of situations like work.

Another thing the fantasy homemaker does is to give her brood the tools they need to survive and flourish in the world when they’re adults. She teaches them how to cook, clean the house, and so on. As adults, they’ll have more responsibilities and by preparing them beforehand, they’ll get a good head start on how to do them and manage them effectively.

Tying it all Together

The homemaker has a busy schedule which she adheres to everyday. Though she may get frazzled at times, she enjoys it very much. There’s nothing better than seeing your children grow up to be happy, healthy adults, she believes and she will do everything in her power to make it happen.

When it comes to being a fantasy homemaker, there are several critical qualities to have that makes everything go smoother. One of them is love and she needs that in spades to create a happy household. She shows her kids how much she loves them by hugging or kissing them on the cheek. They will feel secure in their mother’s love since they’ll learn that no matter what they do or the mean things they say, she will never stop loving them.

There is no shortage of things for the homemaker to do everyday. From preparing meals to going to the store, she is on the go, beginning when she wakes up all the way to when she finally goes to bed. Throughout the day, she is constantly juggling different things at once and she does so with aplomb.

Raising her children is her most important job for they’ll eventually grow up and be part of the world. To prepare them for that time, the homemaker does a multitude of activities with them that help them with their developing minds. She works with them on their emotional, mental, social, and other developments.

Though the average fantasy homemaker doesn’t make many appearances in the story, she is nevertheless indispensable to the world so you can’t go wrong with bringing this occupation into yours!

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