The Fantasy Guard: The Protector of Important People and Buildings

The fantasy guard works in a government building like this brown one with a sloping red roof. The building sits atop a summery yellow grassy plain with yellow hills in the background. Above them is the pink sky with white clouds.
Picture of Sunfire




Though there are many occupations that are full of glamor and people who are passionate about their careers, there are those that are quite the opposite. In fact, they’re mundane but they serve an essential purpose. One such is that of the fantasy guard, known for simply standing still for hours at a time.

Guards appear in many places across the realm, from castles to key governmental buildings. Additionally, they also are around important, powerful people who are instrumental in helping the world run. They provide peace of mind for all of these people, meaning they get to go about their daily activities without the fear of being attacked.

Being a fantasy guard sounds so simple, doesn’t it? You just stand around and remain vigilant. This occupation doesn’t just take anyone; it only accepts those who are well suited for it. There is a training regimen that all applicants must undertake and they learn everything there is to know about being a guard.

Even though the guard may stand still, he is ever keeping an eye out for any signs of potential trouble. He cannot let his guard down, even for a moment, for that’s when trouble will strike. The guard has to be prepared to deal with a wide range of things from disgruntled people to armored attackers attempting to kidnap someone or steal money.

The purpose of the guard is to keep things and people safe. There’s many threats in the world and his duty is to ensure that nothing befalls what or whom he is protecting. Keeping them safe helps keep the world running smoothly.

This is the ninth article in the series looking through the different kinds of fantasy occupations. If you want to read more, our blog page is where you can find them!

How to Become a Fantasy Guard

A guard does not simply stand around all day. Instead he is ever vigilant, his eyes scrutinizing each person that comes in and out of the building to make sure they’re not troublemakers. He has to do this throughout his shift, which typically lasts for hours, without relaxing for one moment.

A lot of people apply to be guards, believing it’s the easiest job in the world and they don’t have to do a lot. What they don’t realize is there’s a lot more to it than they think. Many of them are removed during the screening process, leaving many talented candidates who have demonstrated a potential aptitude for the position.

A bunch of flying red question marks in light gray clouds with wings. The question marks are flying high up in the skies as seen with the blue sky and white clouds. They represent the various types of fantasy occupations.

To become a fantasy guard, a person has to train his mind and body. He undergoes a regimen that strengthens his mind and do many types of exercises to keep this body in tiptop shape. The exercises don’t stop once he becomes a guard, he has to keep doing them. After all, they have to be ready to handle anything that could happen.

Besides getting his mind sharp and body in prime physical condition, he has to learn how to distinguish between friend and foe. Even people he trusts aren’t above reproach since they can turn on a dime. Essentially, he has to learn the art of reading people and interpreting their body behavior.

He also goes through a gauntlet of situations to help prepare him to be a guard. Situations like a dragon terrorizing the town or an hostile army attempting to take over the city are thrown at him and he has to do everything right in order to officially become a fantasy guard.  Should things not pan out, he’ll have to undergo more training to get better or drop out altogether.

How the Fantasy Guard Safeguards People and Buildings

In fantasy, the task of protecting the leaders of the country falls upon the military. The senior leadership selects only the best to protect them and that responsibility extends all the way down to the commanders of the local barracks assigned to defend the cities and towns across the nation as they assign soldiers to local key buildings and leaders. The military isn’t the only organization that uses guards; many powerful businesses and criminal syndicates have them as well.

When a fantasy guard reports in for work, he immediately moves into position and assesses all entry and exit points so that should the worst occur, he can quickly take the person he’s guarding to safely. This is one of the most important things he can do, for it can make the difference between someone living or dying.

This is one of many fantasy tribal governments. The little gray houses on the dirt field are easy to take down so the tribe can move to their next destination. Behind the dirt field is a grassy plain that leads to rolling hills. Behind the hills are three mountains. Above the mountains is a blue sky with white clouds and birds.

He also evaluates potential attack vectors and makes preparations to deal with all possibilities. In his mind, it’s always wise to hope for the best but prepare for the worst. He can’t just look at the immediate vicinity, he has to look to the horizon as well since that’s where trouble will come from.

Whenever someone approaches, he intercepts them and asks them what they’re doing. He’s doing his job, keeping out the riffraff while letting people in who have a legitimate reason for being there. Protecting whatever he’s guarding is always first and foremost in his mind, even if he isn’t having a good day.

When trouble arises, the guard leaps into action and tries to stop it or at least prevent it from escalating while buying time for backup to arrive. He is prepared to lay down his life should the need arise. His noble sacrifice, if that comes to pass, will not be in vain and he will be honored for it.

The World and the Fantasy Guard

A fantasy world is filled with many dangers. These dangers range from wild, ferocious beasts to roving bands of bandits lying in wait to attack their next unsuspecting victim. Some people require protection, especially those who hold prominent positions in the world such as government officials or key corporate/business leaders.

The role of the guard is to protect them from being ambushed, especially by those who wish them harm. Guards stand as sentries in many different places, all continually remaining on high alert to deal with trouble whenever it occurs. They cannot let their guard down at all for that’s when trouble will strike.

Fantasy cities are important in the genre. This image depicts a city with a castle on a hilltop above it. The city has both rectangular- and square-shaped buildings with a wavy roof on each one. The buildings come in four colors: light yellow, brown, light blue, and white. The roofs come in the following colors: dark blue, red, light black, and dark brown. Many of these buildings have windows and some have a visible door. The road itself runs down the middle of the image, swaying to the right and then the left, ending at the doorstep of the castle. The road also meets two others, one that runs to the left, and the other to the right. Behind the city is a grassy field with blades of grass scattered throughout. A river cuts through the field, meandering from the left edge to the right edge of the image. The castle itself is white with gray shadows. It has four red turrets and diamond-shaped windows. The sky above is a bright blue with two white clouds. Some birds are flying on the left side, above the castle, and the right side. It also features a fantasy marketplace.

Just as in the real world, there is a social hierarchy and those near the top require protection round-the-clock so that they can tend to business whenever they go. The people who hold these positions, whether it be the mayor of a large town or the leader of the kingdom’s religion, are targets and many use guards to keep them safe as they move from one place to another.

Thus, by keeping an eye on the area around him, the fantasy guard is helping the person he’s keeping safe focus on the things they care about without fear of possibly being kidnapped or losing his life. The guard also makes sure priceless treasure like a mountain’s worth of gold isn’t stolen.

In many cases, many guards work for the same person for their entire career. They eventually develop a relationship of some kind with their employer, especially with their families. While they are all duly sworn to lay down their lives for them, some become so loyal to them that they do so without a moment’s hesitation.

Tying it all Together

The career of the fantasy guard, just like any other occupation, has its ups and downs. There will be long periods of time where he just stands all day without anything noteworthy occurring. On the other hand, there will be times when an eventful situation will arise, prompting him to spring into action right away to make sure nothing befalls the person or object he’s safeguarding.

To be a guard, there are many skills one must master besides standing on his feet for a long time. He must have superb spatial awareness of the vicinity around him and the ability to quickly tell whether someone is a friend or enemy. Additionally, he must also have an escape plan ready should the need arise.

From the moment his shift starts, the guard is on constant alert and is ever watchful of his surroundings. Any changes in the area around him are immediately noticed and the guard determines whether said changes are positive or not. He also assesses each person who he comes into contact with to see if they pose a threat or not.

People in positions of power need protection from the threats the world poses. They could be mercenaries or wild, marauding beasts looking for their next meal. It is for this reason that they employ guards to keep them safe so they can concentrate on the agenda of the day without living in fear of being attacked.

The fantasy guard appears in every world so if you haven’t taken the time to integrate this occupation into yours, there’s nothing better than starting today!

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