There are many occupations where people do the same thing over and over again with little to no excitement happening. There’s one occupation where this doesn’t occur and it would be that of the fantasy waitress. Though she may be serving food to people everyday, the customers she interacts with differ from day to day, making her job quite interesting.
Waitresses are commonly found in places that primarily serve food and drinks such as restaurants and taverns. These places place a heavy emphasis on excellent customer service since keeping them happy is how they keep their doors open. Having the right type of waitress goes a long way in them remaining in business.
Not surprisingly, when it comes to who can be a fantasy waitress, women are more likely to be one than men. Remember that many fictional worlds take place in medieval times where women’s job prospects were considerably limited and being a waitress was one of the few career opportunities available for the fairer sex.
Being a waitress isn’t about just giving food to customers; it’s also about how she is with them. She is trained to interact with all kinds of customers and to treat each one with nothing but professionalism. However, that doesn’t preclude her from having fun with them; she can banter with the best of them.
Regarding its role in the world, the fantasy waitress serves as the link between the customers and the place they’re in. Her friendly demeanor helps retain customers, even if the food isn’t necessarily all that great, which helps keep the business open. These places help generate income for the owners and the cities/towns they’re in.
This is article number ten in the fantasy occupations series. For more, take a look at our blog page where we have plenty more for you to check out!
The inspiration for who ought to be a waitress in an imaginary world comes from that of the real world. With the majority of these worlds set in medieval times, women are the first to come to mind simply because it was one of very few opportunities available to them. Many took it with relish since it gave them a taste of a world larger than the one they knew beforehand.
Since women practically dominated this field, what type of women should be waitresses? Keep in mind that while a lot of females applied for these positions, not everyone got it. Women who had a friendly disposition were more likely to be hired than those who didn’t. Remember that these places’ entire livelihood depends on pleasing their customers and they won’t hire anyone who will jeopardize that.
With the vast majority of customers being men, food establishments like to hire women who are pleasing to the eye. With men being visual creatures, being served food by a beautiful woman increases the chances they’ll come back, even if the food is nothing to boast about. And they’ll tell their friends and family about the great-looking gals working there which will bring in more business for them.
Another type of women who’s a great fit to be a fantasy waitress is one who’s been waiting long enough to be a pro. While this tends to occur for older women, their expertise outclasses their younger counterparts’ beauty. They’ve established and cultivated excellent service over the years, knowing what they’re about to order before they actually order. They’re quick on their feet, delivering their food as fast as they can. These veterans are masters at their job and they know it.
One particularly important aspect of being a waitress is knowing how to interact with customers which will be elaborated more in the next section. Waitresses are expected to provide great service, exchange in pleasant conversation with the patrons, and know just how to deal with unruly customers, all while being professional.
Though a main part of being a waitress is providing customers with the food and drinks they ordered, another crucial element is how she engages with them. How she does so sets the tone for the entire time they’re in the establishment. A surly waitress can make them not wish to ever return while a cheerful one will increase the odds they’ll make a return appearance.
From the beginning when she takes their orders, she is to treat them with nothing but the utmost respect and professionalism. Customers don’t appreciate being treated like trash and they will angrily voice their complaints to both the owners and other patrons which will hurt the business.
Though she is to be polite and courteous, that doesn’t mean the fantasy waitress can’t have a bit of fun. Part of interacting with customers is engaging in witty conversation. Both sides can slyly tease each other, knowing it’s just harmless fun, which helps build rapport and raises the prospects of the customers coming back another time.
Despite them expecting to be professional at all times, many waitresses, particularly the beautiful ones, use their looks to get tips from the establishment’s patrons. They dress a little more provocative than usual while adhering to the business’ uniform policies and focus more on ensuring the needs of the people they’re waiting on are met. They also compliment their appearance and clothes.
When dealing with unruly customers, she still needs to be professional, not exchange insults. She’ll try to do what she can to calm them down in the hopes of deescalating the situation. Should they become quite belligerent, she can simply ask them to leave and if they refuse, she can call on her coworkers to help evict them.
Every occupation contributes something to the world and helps make it feel a tad more realistic for your audience. This also includes the waitress, who does so with a dash of cheerfulness and pleasant hospitality to the customers of the establishment. She strides towards them, carrying a tray of either drinks or food and she gives each customer what they ordered, all the while smiling.
The friendliness of the fantasy waitress engenders patrons to the place they’re in, increasing the likelihood they’ll come back. Many people are willing to overlook food that may not be the best but when it comes to customer service, they expect the waitress to excel in that regard. After all, it’s their money they’re spending.
As the link between the establishment and its patrons, the waitress engages in jolly conversation in a relaxed and cheerful atmosphere. There’s the occasional ribbing but it’s all in great fun as everyone knows it’s harmless. These interactions can help foster customer loyalty to the establishment, making it more likely they’ll come back another day.
All businesses that sell food, whether it’s a bakery or restaurant, make customer service their number one priority. They depend on the money they receive from those who come to them to remain in business. These companies hire locals as employees which helps with the town/city’s employment numbers and generate income for both for their workers and the government.
The same also applies to the taverns/bars. These places are where many people relax after a long day of work and to socialize with their friends and families. Their convivial atmosphere makes it easy for people to have a great time, both the waitresses and the customers as they interact with each other. Playful teasing and jokes occur throughout their conversations.
The fantasy waitress doesn’t just serve food and drinks to the customers of the establishment, she banters with the best of them. She deals with many different kinds of people and she does so with a smile on her face. Her friendly disposition and sterling service can make the difference between a business keeping or losing a customer.
Women dominate the waiting industry, due to it being one of few opportunities available to them. This is because many fantasy worlds take place in medieval times where the fairer sex had limited choices as to where they could work. Despite this, they eagerly took advantage of what it offered and made the best of it.
A fantasy waitress is trained to engage with the people she’s serving with professionalism. She is to give them what they ordered in a timely manner but that doesn’t mean she can’t have fun. A cornerstone of being a waiter is having a positive rapport with the customers and bantering with them accomplishes that.
When it comes the world, the waitress’s sole objective is to ensure that the needs of the establishment’s patrons are met. Restaurants and taverns depend on repeat customers to keep their doors open which is why they strive to provide nothing less than excellent service. Should they close, it means people lose their jobs and the town/city loses money.
In many stories, the fantasy waitress appears only to give the characters what they ordered but she is an invaluable part of worldbuilding. If you haven’t brought this occupation into the one you’re creating, it’s time to do so! Who knows, it may give you some fantastic storytelling ideas!
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