
Nobles play a large role in a feudal government, living in fantasy castles. This light blue castle has two dark blue towers and a central one. Columns support a balcony that spans the hallway mark up the castle. Windows of varying sizes are all over the castle. In front of it is snowy grass and a brown path covered with snow. Behind the castle is a white forest and above it is a gray sky.

Exploring the Epic Power and Great Glory of Fantasy Castles

CONTENTS The Premise An essential part of constructing a fantasy world from scratch is the buildings that populate the world. Every one of them plays a role and they all feel like they fit right into said world. One of the most popular types of structures is the fabled fantasy castles, all of which hold […]

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This light blue castle is where members of a fantasy oligarchy meet. It has two dark blue towers and a central one. Columns support a balcony that spans the hallway mark up the castle. Windows of varying sizes are all over the castle. In front of it is a grassy plain and a brown path that goes from the door to the bottom of the image. Behind the castle is a green forest and above it is a pink sky with oval clouds.

A Look at the World of the Fantasy Oligarchy

CONTENTS The Premise People — or any other humanoid fantasy race — who work in government positions are tasked with making sure that laws are upheld and keeping the country safe. There’s a hierarchy and every single government worker wields some power with the senior-most and those at the top with the most power. How

A Look at the World of the Fantasy Oligarchy Read More »

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