
Inns are a popular building in fantasy cities. This fantasy inn is called The Deerlight Inn and it has blue walls, brown support beams that run up, down, left, and right. It also has a brown roof and a dark brown door. The windows are gray and it's in front of an orange-sky background with a couple of white clouds.

The Fantasy Inn: A Relaxed Place in a Crazy World

CONTENTS Overview What is a staple of the fantasy genre that you can find in pretty much every city and town? Why of course it’s the inn! The fantasy inn offers food and shelter for weary travelers who just want to relax after a long day on the road. The innkeeper doesn’t do it out […]

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A landscape with floating islands in the sky with waterfalls and a tower on the middle island. Fantasy towers are a staple of the genre.

Fantasy Towers: What They Bring to the World

CONTENTS Introduction One of the best parts about building a fantasy world is thinking of what type of buildings to sprinkle throughout its lands. While castles may dominate certain regions, specific structures do the same for where they’re found. Like their brethren, fantasy towers stand tall over the landscape as if lording over all. Fantasy

Fantasy Towers: What They Bring to the World Read More »

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