What is one thing that comes to mind whenever you think of fantasy? I’m sure you thought of dragons (who wouldn’t?) but war is also one more thing that people think of. The genre is rife with numerous conflicts and what is one element they all have in common regardless of the world they take place in? That’s right, they all contain fantasy soldiers!
Soldiers are a mainstay in fantasy, appearing in basically every world. There’s nothing better than seeing courageous men going off to battle to defend their families and country from those who mean harm. It doesn’t come as a surprise that men predominantly made up the bulk of the armed forces, considering that many fantasy worlds are set in medieval times where only men were permitted to be soldiers.
Not all fantasy soldiers see war. You see, they have a multifaceted role. Their primary purpose is to maintain peace and order, essentially acting as the medieval version of law enforcement. They are empowered to apprehend criminals and remove anyone who is being a public nuisance to keep the peace.
So why do people sign up to be soldiers? They do so for a number of reasons, one chiefly being out of a patriotic duty to defend his country. Of course, there are some people who do so for ulterior motives such as self-preservation. If they have no other choice and if they refuse, they’ll either be exiled or imprisoned for the rest of their lives so they reluctantly become soldiers so they can still see the people they care about.
When it comes to the world, fantasy soldiers are the kingdom’s main instrument in waging war against a hostile nation. They are ordered to defeat the enemy army, seize a strategic area such as a city or resource like a mine. They are duly expected to lay down their lives if it means securing victory for the realm.
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All stories involve soldiers in some capacity. Though the large majority depict them viciously battling foes on the battlefield, a substantial minority show them doing other things, things that help keep the peace. Sure, these other activities might not be as exciting as fighting in battle but they enable the citizens of the realm to go about their daily routine with the peace of mind.
Soldiers are the kingdom’s chief law enforcement personnel. They’re deployed in all major cities and towns, as well as areas important to the country like mines or border crossings, where their purpose is to patrol the streets, stand guard, or pursue fleeing criminals. Their presence is meant to deter would-be criminals from committing crimes.
The barracks is where the fantasy soldiers reside. Its commander issues orders to all those serving under his command and those assigned to patrolling the streets is to walk through the area throughout their shift. They are to keep an eye out for signs of potential suspicious activity and interact with people.
For the soldiers who are to stand guard, they do so in places of the utmost importance either to the city/town, the country, or both. This could be castles, gates, or official places of business like the mayor’s office. Their job is to protect officials as they conduct business and keep troublemakers out.
There will be times when soldiers are ordered to apprehend criminals. While some will surrender peacefully, there will be others who choose to make a run for it, hoping they can outrun their pursuers. The soldiers will have to chase them until either they catch them or they get too far out to the point where they have no realistic chance of capturing them. In that event, after briefing their commander, he will relay a message to other places to keep an eye out for the wanted fugitive.
With many fictional worlds taking inspiration from the medieval age, there’s a bevy of reasons why people choose to become soldiers. Keep in mind, these reasons differ from person to person, much like you’d see in the real world. This makes it interesting, especially considering that the reason why they became soldiers will affect how they interact with their fellow members.
The dominant reason to become fantasy soldiers is out of a sense of patriotism. Many people have a strong sense of loyalty to the country, with some going so far as to be willing to lay down their lives for it. They eagerly sign up, feeling that what they’ll do will make a difference and keep their loved ones safe.
Traveling is another reason why people choose to be soldiers. They can’t afford to go see other places but as soldiers, they can since the military will pay all traveling expenses. Though they may not stay in one place for a long time, they have the opportunity to see more of the world and meet people, hoping that perhaps they’ll find that special someone they’ll spend the rest of their lives with.
Besides these two reasons, there are others why people go into this field. One such is self-preservation. These people may have been forced to be soldiers or face exile due to them committing a litany or crimes or generally causing mayhem in the community. If they seek to remain in the nation to stay close with the people in their lives, they have no choice but to take this opportunity or they’ll never see them again.
Being in the army teaches many values to people, values that they carry with them as long as they live. Despite their protestations, troubled people or malcontents are sent into the army to straighten them out so that they can be productive members of society and fine upstanding citizens.
Regarding the world, soldiers are a prominent feature. They are the kingdom’s tool to be used in times of war due to their plentiful numbers. When it comes to fantasy, countries endeavor to have as many as they can because the more they have, the more formidable they are on the battlefield.
There’s a reason why larger kingdoms generally dominate not just their smaller neighbors but those across the world. Conventional wisdom dictated that the more forces a nation wielded, the more powerful it was considered which is based off on real-world history. Soldiers comprised of the overwhelming majority of the bulk of the overall forces a realm had under its command.
Fantasy soldiers are able to be fielded just about anywhere, on land that is. They can scale mountains to launch a surprise attack on an enemy base or wade through a swamp teeming with snakes and other vicious beasts to intercept a moving hostile army. This makes them very useful, and dispensable as well since whatever losses a country suffers, it can replenish them with no effort.
Soldiers are trained in the art of warfare; they have no compunction when it comes to deciding whether to let a foe survive or not. They’re taught to use weapons like swords and bow-and-arrows and so on and they choose the one they’re most comfortable with.
In wartime, fantasy soldiers receive a continual stream of objectives, each one layered in a grand campaign which was created by the upper military echelon. They have missions such as infiltrating an enemy fortress, capturing someone important to the enemy, or sabotaging supplies heading to the base. These missions keep the troops focused on the prize: winning the war.
Fantasy soldiers are a crucial element of the genre. They represent the power of the kingdom they live in, whether that be on the battlefield or protecting powerful people like the king. They are also found in many cities and towns across the realm, acting as its law enforcement.
The responsibility of enforcing the laws of the land fall upon the soldiers. As the medieval version of the police force, soldiers are tasked with several things such as patrolling the streets to keep the citizens of the kingdom safe and capturing criminals. These things make them popular among the mass populace but not for those on the other side of the law.
Many people become soldiers out of a sense of duty and patriotism for their country. They do so in order to uphold the laws of the realm and to help defend their loved ones from the enemies of the kingdom. Unfortunately, not everyone signs up for altruistic reasons. Some are forced to, especially when the other choice is exile.
On the world stage, soldiers are an invaluable part. They are the mechanisms in which a kingdom both defends and attacks in wartime. The soldiers work constantly to deliver victory to their home, with some even going so far as to lay down their lives if it means winning the war.
Haven’t given much thought to having fantasy soldiers in your world? There’s no better time to start than today!
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