Categories: Fantasy

Exploring the Epic Power and Great Glory of Fantasy Castles

Exploring the Epic Power and Great Glory of Fantasy Castles



The Premise

An essential part of constructing a fantasy world from scratch is the buildings that populate the world. Every one of them plays a role and they all feel like they fit right into said world. One of the most popular types of structures is the fabled fantasy castles, all of which hold a prominent position in the regions they’re located in.

From small media to movies, people of all stripes are enthralled by the majesty of fantasy castles. There’s nothing like seeing one for the first time where it stands indomitable amid the landscape, drawing all eyes to it. These imposing buildings play significant roles in the stories they appear in and have served as the site in which decisions that shaped the world were made.

Their great size is one reason why these grand structures serve as a major source of power, both for the royalty and the nobility. Castles are where these mighty rulers make decisions that affect the kingdom and the townsfolk living nearby, for good or ill. Only those who command great power are capable of calling such places home.

Power aside, fantasy castles are known across the realm for their beauty and grand events that their residents hold throughout the year. Events such as balls and galas enable them to interact with other nobles and the royalty to emphasize their importance to the kingdom. As such, they’re generally considered centers of culture.

In times of war, castles become critical strongholds and command centers. They are where kings and lords coordinate strategy and formulate battle plans. Moreover, due to their strategic value, they’re most likely to be attacked which means defending them is paramount. Their numerous defensive measures ensures attackers will pay a hefty price to successfully take over one.

This is the first article in a brand-new series looking at the various types of fantasy buildings. If you’d like to see what others we have, you can find them on our blog page!

Fantasy Castles: Seats of Power and Prestige

There’s a reason why the most powerful families in the kingdom dwell in castles. These buildings serve as a status symbol, broadcasting their power to all. No castle can hold a candle to the one the royals call home.

Why do fantasy castles have so much power? It’s because they’re places where the royalty and nobility make decisions that affect many people’s lives. Decisions such as changes in taxation or whether to go to war with a neighboring kingdom can upend entire communities and change people’s lives forever.

Due to their importance to the kingdom, they represent the state of affairs at that time. In times of peace, they’re gathering places where the townsfolk can freely interact with their rulers, seeking aid. During wartime, they’re closed off and the military maintains order, keeping people out.

The powerful families who reside in fantasy castles are led by the head of the family who makes decisions for the others. In most cases, a man leads though there have been times where a woman ran the family. Regardless of who’s in charge, their personality and how they perceive the world dictate why and how they make the decisions they make.

These families have dwelled in these places for generations, further reinforcing their influence. Whenever one loses control of its home, it loses much, if not all, of its power which is why when it happens, the ousted family schemes to regain control as quickly as possible. The longer they remain out of power, the more legitimate the usurpers become in the eyes of the townsfolk.

The head of the family has a group of advisers who provide him with information such as how much food they have left or the issues people in town are talking about. This enables the leader to be up-to-date on the latest going-ons so that he can quickly deal with whatever troublesome issues arise. He also issues edicts and other instructions for the townsfolk to comply with, lest they be punished.

The Grandeur of Fantasy Castles

Besides radiating power, fantasy castles are centers of culture, both for the towns nearby and the kingdom at large. Events such as coronations provide entertainment for the public and provide them with a glimpse into the life of the high-and-mighty. They’re also a chance for them to hobnob — metaphorically speaking — with those of the elite.

Castles hold many events throughout the year though their residents go all out on the most important ones like when the king or another great lord comes to visit. They roll out the red carpet and honor their renowned guests with a great feast. Besides these events, castles celebrate holidays like the end of the year or the fall harvest. These events help build a sense of community and kinship between the ruling family and those who live under them.

One reason why they’re cultural centers is that the people who call them home use them as a sort of display. They have priceless artifacts that either they recently obtained or have held for generations that they wish to show off, as if bragging about their importance to the realm. Additionally, their hallowed halls are full of history as paintings of bygone rulers hang on their walls, giving their guests a look into the past.

Musicians of all stripes come to fantasy castles to perform for the royalty and nobility. Occasionally, the castle might open its doors to let the public come in to listen to the musicians but it doesn’t happen all too often. The musicians typically play their new songs though if the people they’re playing for request a specific song, they usually oblige them.

Many artists journey to these mighty buildings to showcase their latest masterpieces or at the request of the lord or the king to create art. They request either a statue or a new painting that they can hang on their wall to admire. Whenever they complete their work, the castle holds an unveiling ceremony in which all important people attend to see the finished product.

Performers make an appearance at fantasy castles during their tour to provide entertainment for those who dwell in them. They do plays, both dramatic or comedic, skits, and a great number of things. Most of the time, they only perform for them behind closed doors though the doors may be open to the public every now and then.

The Strategic Value of Fantasy Castles

In times of war, castles become armored fortresses, difficult for the attacking army to take without suffering great casualties. As the home of the most powerful families of the kingdom and in the areas under their control, castles are the number one target for their enemies. As such, those who own them take numerous measures to prevent any would-be attacking force take over.

The chief reason why fantasy castles are a top target in wartime is that they are vital command centers for the nobility and royalty. Monarchs and the heads of the families hold a constant stream of meetings with their military commanders to discuss the latest news and to develop strategy and tactics, both offensive and defensive. Successfully seizing control of one results in the loss of power and influence for the family who lost it and strengthens that of the family who now controls it.

When fighting breaks out, fantasy castles become major communications hubs. Many messengers come and from them on a near-daily basis as their owners seek to keep tabs on how the war is going as well as to issue orders and commands to the armies under their control. The attacking army severs all communications before assaulting one to isolate it from the outside world to ensure that it can’t call out for aid.

Their great size enables castles to be an offensive powerhouse in wartime. Many castles have a military barracks, forge, a training center for soldiers and archers and others, and so on. Additionally, it boasts an impressive arsenal of weapons such as swords and shields, bow and arrows, and others that can be used at a moment’s notice.

Taking a castle is fraught with difficulties. Attackers must contend with a number of defensive measures such as battlements or crenellations where the castle’s defenders can rain arrows upon them from above. A castle can only be entered through a gate which is closed shut to impede the attackers where they must attempt to breach it open while fending off arrows from its defenders.

A castle’s defenders have plenty of areas in which to make life miserable for those attacking it. It is precisely why whenever a castle is under attack, it becomes a drawn-out affair or a slugfest as its defenders only have to outlast those who dared assail it.

Tying it all Together

It wouldn’t be a fantasy world if there were no castles. These mighty buildings play a significant role in the world beyond the story. They are where the monarchs and the great lords and ladies of the land hold sway and make decisions that affect the lives of many people.

Spread out across the realm, fantasy castles are the seat of power for the ruling families. The families are led by either a patriarch or matriarch whose personality affect the decisions they make as well as the reasons why. The head of the family has a group of advisers who brief him on what’s going on, ensuring he is up-to-date on all developments both locally and beyond his sphere of control.

Castles are major cultural centers and sources of entertainment. They host many events and celebrations throughout the year. Artists, musicians, and others flock to them to showcase their latest creations and to provide entertainment for the residents of the castles.

In times of war, they become military bastions. Their rulers work constantly to monitor the situation and to prevent any would-be army from attempting to mount a takeover since they’re a prime target. Their great defensive and offensive measures signifies they are not to be trifled with at all for those plotting an attack.

Fantasy castles bring a gravitas to the world and the plot that no other building can so if you’re creating a story, you can’t go wrong with adding them to yours! 

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