Beginner’s Guide

A guide to help people who want to create their own fantasy worlds.

A work in progress of a fantasy city map. The green background represents grass, the brown roads run left and right, up and down, and in a half-circle. The river is meandering up and down in the middle of the image, represented by blue. The forest is in the upper right corner. The red rectangles and squares in the middle of the image represent buildings, some have icons atop them. The brown shape below the forest has an icon as does the gray shape to the upper left and central left. The icons have names next to them.

Designing a Top-Down Fantasy City You’ll Love!

Designing a top-down fantasy city you’ll love! CONTENTS The Premise A core element of constructing a fantasy world from scratch is deciding where to put the cities. Do I place it right next to that river or forest? Location is key as you want your cities to be found in places that make sense. In […]

Designing a Top-Down Fantasy City You’ll Love! Read More »

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