Build a Fantasy World from scratch!

Guiding people to build a fantasy world through articles that delve into what’s needed to create a world that everyone will love!

We have a Beginner’s Guide to help you get started! 

To go there, click the link below.

Not sure how to start?

Have you ever wondered about how to make your own fantasy world?
We get it, creating one isn't easy.

Not Good Enough?

You've started creating a world but you feel like what you've made isn't good enough?
It happens to the best of us, so you're not alone.

Too Many Details

Feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do to make a world that not only feels real but makes you want to live there?
Let's do it one step at a time.

Shining the Light

Have no fear!
We'll show you the things you need to know and before long, you'll be making your own universe and have fun doing it!


Dragons, Monarchs, Castles, and Kingdoms are among the topics explored at length in our articles.
There's always something to learn!

Your World, Your Way

Our articles are designed to help you make your world your way by having everything you need to know all in one place.
So take your time and just enjoy bringing your imagination to life!

Vilgon the red dragon is the mascot of Viernor. He lives in Mt. Viernor, the volcano depicted in the logo.

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Article of The Month


The Fiery Power of Fire Magic

CONTENTS Overview When it comes to magic, fire is usually the first that comes to mind. Who doesn’t love being able to light a torch with just a spell? Heck, you wouldn’t ever worry about being cold at night if you knew fire magic? Fire is one of the basic

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A New Month, Another Article

Each month, we bring back an article that was previously published.

It changes each month so if you want to read this one before the end, now’s the time!

Not feeling it? Check out our newest articles down below?

Surely you’ll find something that catches your eye!

Our Latest Content


The Fantasy Servant: An Important Part of the Genre

CONTENTS Introduction The typical imaginary world has a social hierarchy similar to that of the real world. While the type of hierarchy differs from world to world, one common element it has no matter which type it is is that of the servant. The main purpose of the fantasy servant

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Marking Two Years of Viernor: An Amazing Milestone

An Idea and Two Years Later The best things in life all begin with an idea. That idea is a seed that eventually blossoms into something amazing and that’s what happened with this website. Two years ago today, it went live after several months of hard work putting the pieces

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The Interesting World of the Fantasy Tailor

CONTENTS The Premise Clothes are essential in every fantasy world. They help protect people from the temperatures and not to mention, they can be stylish. There is a particular occupation dedicated to customizing clothes suited for different people and that would be the fantasy tailor. From the beginning of his

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The Excellent Customer Service and Banter of the Fantasy Waitress

CONTENTS Overview There are many occupations where people do the same thing over and over again with little to no excitement happening. There’s one occupation where this doesn’t occur and it would be that of the fantasy waitress. Though she may be serving food to people everyday, the customers she

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The Fantasy Guard: The Protector of Important People and Buildings

CONTENTS Introduction Though there are many occupations that are full of glamor and people who are passionate about their careers, there are those that are quite the opposite. In fact, they’re mundane but they serve an essential purpose. One such is that of the fantasy guard, known for simply standing

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The Fantasy Sailor and the World of the Sea

CONTENTS The Premise An exciting part of fantasy is exploring the unknown. There’s nothing that captivates the imagination than delving into the unknown, having no idea what you’ll come across. That explorative spirit is a powerful draw for those who yearn to become a fantasy sailor since sailing the sea

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