About Us

The Power of Fantasy

Fantasy worlds are filled with wonders from majestic mountains that tower over cities to oceans full of mysterious creatures never seen. Dark Lords and Wizards. Kings and Queens. Fantasy brings out the curiosity within us.

Ever wonder how those worlds are made? Viernor explores what makes a fantasy world so believable it makes you wish it was real you could go live there. Just keep an eye out for dragons, would you?

A wizard with gray hair and beard garbed in green clothes holding a staff that's emitting red sparks.

Our History

Sunfire, the man behind Viernor, has been building his own fantasy world ever since he was a kid. He started out writing short tales about events that occurred within his world and drew the first of many maps on paper depicting the world he created before he began writing short novels.

Kings and Queens, Dark Lords, Dragons, and Wizards are among many characters he’s created over the years.

We want to help you make your own world that everyone will love!

A brown treasure chest with gold lines running across its front and sides. It's open, revealing a chest full of golden coins.


We provide readers with fun, exciting information not readily available online. We accomplish this by making deep, thorough posts examining fantasy world-building elements so you can find them all in one place.


Viernor aims to be a leader in the world of fantasy who helps spark people’s imagination so they can pursue their dreams.

A sword with a yellow hilt with wings coming out from the hilt.

Our Values


Create new ideas to inspire change.


Unleash the creative power of your mind to make your dreams come true.


The smallest detail is just as important as the largest one.


Don't be second-rate; be first-rate.


Doing what you love isn't work, it's following your dream.


Always do the right thing, especially when nobody's looking.

The journey to create the world of your imagination begins here.

It's a red splash, layered by the lightest in the middle to the darkest to the outside.


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