A Wonderful Look Back at 2023 for Viernor

Farewell 2023 is in the center and also is yellow. The background is pink-purple with the pink in the middle and the purple on the edges. This is a look back to the year.
Picture of Sunfire



The End of the Year

With Christmas over, the end of the year is less than a week. If you’d like to read our Christmas article, you can do so here. As the year comes to an end, I wanted to do something to look back since this is Viernor’s first year and see how this website’s grown since it launched. 

I thought it was the perfect time to reflect on where we’ve been before we look to the next year and develop new goals and ideas. As such, this will be the last article of 2023, which I can’t already believe. At this time, Viernor’s been up for almost ten months, having come out way back in March.

As you know, Viernor’s overarching goal is to help you create the fantasy world you’ve always wanted to make but you weren’t sure how, let alone where to begin. Every single one of our articles is designed to help you build a fantastic, dynamic world that you love! A great way to get started is to go to our Beginner’s Guide which covers the generalities of what you need to know to make a fantasy world.

With 2023 drawing to a close, when I look back at where Viernor is now compared to then, when it launched in March, I’m pleased with how things have progressed. The cosmetic adjustments I’ve made throughout the year put Viernor in a better position than it was back in March.

Viernor is getting a bit of traffic, which I’m thrilled about. I’m happy that some of you have taken the time to read some of my articles and I hope they’ve helped you bring the fantasy world you’ve long wanted to make to reality. It means a lot to me and I hope you continue coming back.

Then and Now

As I look back at it, I’m proud of every article I wrote as well as each drawing I did for them. I’ve enjoyed writing the articles and creating the pictures. If you have any favorites, drop it in the comments. I’d like to know which ones you guys like.

At the outset, I wanted to create in-depth articles that covered a little part of constructing a fantasy world from scratch. Now that I look back at it, I realize that I also wanted to do them in bite-sized pieces. Building a fantasy world from the ground up is hard work and I didn’t want to overwhelm you which is why each one of my articles focuses on one topic and doesn’t take a whole lot of time to read.

The website has some amazing articles, some of which have become their own series, for you to peruse. My personal favorite series is the Fantasy Environments, which you can find on the blog page. As I look back, I consider that series one of the best of the year. There’s so many different environments to learn about! I had a blast writing them and creating the pictures for them!

As this article winds to a close, I want to thank you, my readers, for taking the time out of your day to come to my website to check out the new articles (and read some older ones). You are the reason why I’m doing this and I hope that this website’s helped you at least a little bit on your journey to being a fantasy world creator.

I believe there’s nothing better on this planet than building the fantasy world you’ve dreamed of and seeing it come to life from all your hard work. It might be hard work to someone else but to you, it’s your dream, your passion. It’s not work if you’re doing something you love. 

Farewell 2023, you were a great year for Viernor but I believe 2024 will be even better!

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Thanks for reading this and I’ll see you in 2024, everyone!



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