Categories: Special

A New Year: Viernor’s Plans for 2025

A New Year: Viernor’s Plans for 2025



Greetings to the New Year!

With the holiday season ending, it’s time to turn our gaze outward, towards the horizon. The end of the year is always a great time to reflect, to look at whenever you met the goals you created earlier in the year but it’s also time to shift gears. A new year brings with it new opportunities to reimagine yourselves, to strike out in a new direction.

Everyone comes up with resolutions for the new year. Whether it’s to lose that extra holiday weight (you know everyone gains weight from all the great food of the holiday season), learn a new skill, or make a major change in their lives, it makes sense to start off the new year with new goals.

People aren’t the only ones who make these resolutions for the new year. Companies of all stripes do as well. They make plans to expand or add new product lines and so on. Companies look to the future and plan accordingly.

Though 2024 may be in the history books already, we shouldn’t forget the lessons we learned throughout the year. Even better, we should apply them to the new year and strive to better ourselves. We want to end 2025 in a better position than we were when the new year began.

Now that we’re officially in 2025 (this is the first article of the new year!), it’s the perfect time to look at what’s in front of us and take a great step forward towards our long-term goals. We want to keep going forward, working to reach the goals we created some time ago.

Viernor’s Goals and Objectives

With us being in the new year, I thought this was the perfect opportunity to set new goals or continue the ones from last year for Viernor. The paramount goal for the website is to be in a better position at the end of this year and there’s three ways to accomplish this:

  • Continue writing articles and creating the artwork. That goal will continue, which means this is the first of many you’ll see in the new year. There’ll be plenty new articles for you to check out and build the fantasy world you’ve always dreamed of! I look forward to writing more and I hope some of the new ones become a hit! Same with the artwork.
  • Refine the website. A website never remains stationery. I’m continually striving to make the website better by making it easier for you to get around as well as adding some new features. As to what they are, stay tuned!
  • Work on bringing more eyeballs to the site. Though the website is bringing in more traffic compared to last year, it’s always better to have more! Viernor’s overdriving goal is to help people create the fantasy world they’ve always dreamed of, and the more people that know about the website, the more they can bring their dream to fruition.

These 3 major goals I outlined are pretty much the same as the ones I set last year. These same ones helped bring Viernor to the position it’s at today and they will continue to be relevant going forward. I want to make Viernor the best it can be and these 3 goals will go a long way towards achieving that!

Aiming for Success in the New Year

The beauty of the new year is you begin with new energies, new desires to do something different. However, while setting new goals is to be commended, the problem is not many people follow through. It takes discipline and willpower to ensure you remain on track. But the payoff is worth it because you’ve attained a goal that you made a long time ago and there’s nothing better than the feeling you get when you finally reach it.

So on this New Year’s Day, roll up your sleeves and decide the objectives you want to reach this year. Come up with a course of action to help you stay on track. Only you can make it happen.

Let’s make 2025 the best year for all of us! Happy New Year, everyone!


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