Build a Fantasy World from scratch!

Guiding people to build a fantasy world through articles that delve into what’s needed to create a world that everyone will love!

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Not sure how to start?

Have you ever wondered about how to make your own fantasy world?
We get it, creating one isn't easy.

Not Good Enough?

You've started creating a world but you feel like what you've made isn't good enough?
It happens to the best of us, so you're not alone.

Too Many Details

Feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to do to make a world that not only feels real but makes you want to live there?
Let's do it one step at a time.

Shining the Light

Have no fear!
We'll show you the things you need to know and before long, you'll be making your own universe and have fun doing it!


Dragons, Monarchs, Castles, and Kingdoms are among the topics explored at length in our articles.
There's always something to learn!

Your World, Your Way

Our articles are designed to help you make your world your way by having everything you need to know all in one place.
So take your time and just enjoy bringing your imagination to life!

A red dragon with blue eyes, red and blue horns, and a blue belly. It's standing on al four feet with its tail in the back. Its red wings are flapped above the head.

Vilgon the red dragon is the mascot of Viernor. He lives in Mt. Viernor, the volcano depicted in the logo.

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Article of The Month

A New Month, Another Article

Each month, we bring back an article that was previously published.

It changes each month so if you want to read this one before the end, now’s the time!

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Our Latest Content

The red-colored words pivotal scene sits in the middle of a blue-purple gradient background. It's surrounded by blue, yellow, and red stars.

The Pivotal Scene: What Goes Into Making a Powerful One?

CONTENTS The Premise From beginning to end, the story has many ups and downs. Astute writers know these occur at critical junctures in the plot. These junctures can drastically alter the story going forward in ways that take readers by surprise. In this article, we take a look at how

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A series of smoke billowing across a grassy field. A blue rock looms in the background. Above the rock is a pink gradient sky with gray clouds. This is the aftermath of a fantasy battle.

The Fantasy Battle: a Guide to Creating a Great One

CONTENTS Overview Imagine you’re smack dab in a fierce, epic battle between two great armies on a fantasy battlefield. Chaos is everywhere as you hear the steady sounds of metal clashing and soldiers screaming. At times, you find it difficult to to distinguish between friend and foe. That is the

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An open book with different colored things flying out of it as if magic. The flying objects are red, yellow, green, blue, and purple. In the background is an orange-yellow gradient. The objects represent the power of story magic.

How Story Magic Make For Great Tales

CONTENTS Introduction There are a few elements that fantasy is known for. Magic is such one and is perhaps the one that pops up when people think of fantasy. There are as many different styles of magic as there are many fantasy worlds and that number only grows with each

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A forest with green mountains in the background and dirt in the foreground. Above the mountains is the blue sky with oval clouds. This setting is one of many examples of filler scenes.

Using Filler Scenes in Interesting and Compelling Ways

CONTENTS The Premise Have you ever read a book you just couldn’t put down and came across one or more scenes that just didn’t jive at all? Even worse, when you actually got to the end, you found yourself thinking about those scene and you wondered why they were in

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A red fish and a green fish talking about a fight that happened at the shipwreck between several sharks and a kraken. This is an example of writing dialogue in a story.

Diving into the Important Art of Writing Dialogue

CONTENTS Overview A story isn’t all about action or adventure. Dialogue plays a prominent role as well. Characters interact with each other in a number of ways, all of which help them learn things that they previously didn’t know. Thus, writing dialogue that conveys their emotions and thoughts in an

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On the left half is a blue sphere-like character with red eyes and orange hair. He has brown shoes. On the right half is a golden medallion with a sun symbol. Both objects are examples of the 2 main types of stories.

A Powerful Look at the 2 Main Types of Stories

CONTENTS Introduction A novel isn’t just a whole bunch of words stitched together that span many pages. It’s about the world and the characters found within these words and is presented in a way that keeps readers engaged. To spur interest in a novel, it must have at least one

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A floating island in the sky with a castle in the middle with trees at each side against a blue sky background with clouds and birds This is one part of making a fantasy world.

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